Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Here are some advantages of a flex printed circuit board | Absolute Electronics Services LLC

What You Should Know About Flex Printed Circuit Boards

Flexible circuit boards were originally designed as a replacement for traditional wire harnesses. From early applications during the Second World War 2, to the present, growth and distribution of flex circuits and flexible printed circuit boards remains exponential.

The Benefits Of Flexible Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing

Electronic devices have taken on a prominent part of our daily lives. The extensive range of servers regardless of their size and use of mobile phones are now being designed to be flexible, lightweight and efficient. While they all come in different shapes, sizes and functions, there is one thing in common - they include flexible printed circuit boards.

Advantages Of Using The Flex PCBs

Flexibility - the most prominent advantage.

The elastic nature of the rapid PCB prototyping in Illinois flex allows placement around the edges and folds.

The flexible nature of the flex printed circuit boards is used in the electronic devices that require 3 axis connections.

Very little or no wiring is required that eliminates wire connection error and increases device reliability.

Space and weight saving

Flex PCBs store up to 60% of the weight and space compared to rigid PCB or wire harness applications.

Bending cycles

Flex PCB use in 3D designs eliminates connecting lines, while the number of bending cycles can be as much as 200,000 (with standard material)

Benefits of the anti-vibration

Additional flexibility and lighter weights allow the flex circuits to absorb and reduce the impact of vibrations on themselves as well as all joints of the solder connections.

Use in a harsh environment

Flex circuits can be built with materials suitable for use in harsh operating environments (materials that have the following properties: waterproof, moisture proof, shockproof, high-temperature oil, corrosion resistant)

Consistent thin inner layers

Heavy copper layers

Heavy copper layers can be used for powerful applications with thin copper layers for flexibility.

There are rapid PCB prototyping in Illinois that have done a remarkable job in the field of flex printed circuit boards. One of them is Absolute Electronics Services LLC, visit their website to know more about the latest in the field.

Name: Absolute Electronics Services LLC

Address: 2410 Elmhurst Rd Elk Grove Village

Also read: Get to know a little about Aluminium PCB