Thursday, December 3, 2020

How to add a simple circuit to your Arduino

 The Arduino is a fantastic development board for testing ideas and products, but unless you learn how to connect it to external circuits, it is rather pointless! In this article, we will learn how to do just that!

External Devices and Circuits

Some of the strongest features of the Arduino are its GPIO pins, which allow it to send electrical signals to the outside world and read them! But using GPIO is a two-part problem; you must deal with it correctly in both hardware and software! So, to start, let’s look at the hardware side of external connections to the Arduino.

Most Arduinos have pin headers on the outer perimeter, which are used to connect to circuits. These pins can have many different functions, including I2C, SPI, and UART, but they are usually used in one of two modes: digital input and digital output. When configured as a digital input, the pin can read digital values from a wire, and these values can either be 1 or 0, which correspond to VCC and 0V, respectively. When configured as a digital output, the pin can set the digital value on a wire. So, if the pin is instructed to write a digital 1, the Arduino will set the voltage on the wire equal to VCC (typically 5V), and if the pin is instructed to write a digital 0, then the voltage will be set to 0V. In this how-to, we will learn how to turn an LED on and off, as well as how to read the state of an external button (all connected on an external breadboard).

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

Before you connect a circuit to the Arduino, you need to determine if protection circuitry is needed. If the proper protection and/or driving circuitry is not used, you run the risk of permanently damaging the Arduino. So, let’s see how to protect our Arduinos properly!

Read more about PCB Inspection Services


If you are using a GPIO pin as a digital input pin, you need to find out the maximum and minimum voltage that the pin can handle. The easiest way to determine this is to either consult the Arduino forum or find the datasheet for the main controller and read its I/O pin tolerances. For example, the Arduino Uno is based on the Atmega328, and, if we consult the data sheet, page 365 has a table of electrical characteristics. The third row mentions that the maximum and minimum input voltage for any pin (except RESET) is -0.5V to VCC+0.5V. This means if our Arduino uses a 5V source, then the maximum input voltage is 5.5V and the lowest is -0.5V.

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

If you accept that your input may go beyond these ratings, you can use clamp diodes to clip the voltage when it goes beyond these values. Below is a simple circuit example of a single resistor and Zener diode that can be used to protect inputs from accidental damage and ESD. The resistor is used to limit the current flowing to the Arduino, should something horrible happen! This circuit is not needed in many projects, but, for those who want to add just that little extra bit of protection, it is not a bad idea. Also, check out pcb prototype assembly service

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino


Connecting an Arduino pin to an output device also requires a lot of care, and the first rating you should check is the expected current draw. The Arduino Uno pins are rated to a maximum output current of 40mA, but this does not mean that, if an external circuit attempts to draw more, the Arduino will refuse. Instead, the Arduino will happily give out as much current as it can, but this will very quickly result in the device overheating and killing itself.

This is why you need to find out how much current your external circuit wants! If it is equal or less than what the Arduino is rated to give out, you should have no problems connecting the Arduino directly to the circuit. If, however, the circuit needs more, you will need to use some kind of transistor-driving circuit. The circuit below shows a relay, which is controlled using a transistor that is controlled by an Arduino output pin.

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

You will also need to consider is the circuit itself! The number of times people have connected LEDs to an Arduino output without a series resistor is frightening, and it can damage both the LED and the Arduino! So, make sure that any current-drawing device that is directly connected to an Arduino output pin has some kind of series-current-limiting resistor!

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

Basic Arduino Circuit Example

Now that we know what to look out for when connecting external devices to the Arduino, we can go ahead and create our circuit. The circuit uses an LED with a series resistor connected to pin 2, while a tactile switch is connected to pin 3. A pull-up resistor is also used on pin 3 so that, during normal operation, pin 3 is connected to VCC through the resistor. But, when the button is pressed, the voltage seen by the pin will be 0V. This means when the button is not pressed, the pin sees a digital 1, and when the button is pressed the pin sees 0.

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

The Software Side

With the hardware built, it’s time to create an Arduino sketch that will make the LED flash when the button is pressed. First, start the IDE and then create a new project/sketch, which we will call “Arduino Button Flasher”. With the sketch made, it’s time to put in some code.

Now, using IO pins on the Arduino is incredibly simple, and it only requires a few functions:

pinMode(pin, in/out)

digitalWrite(pin, value)


The first function you will need to use is pinMode, which is used to declare whether a pin is an INPUT or an OUTPUT. The code example below shows how pins can be configured as such.

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

The second function you will need to use is digitalWrite, and this is used to write digital values to a pin.

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

The third function you will need to use is digitalRead; this is used to read the digital value present on a pin.

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

Code Example

Now it’s time to upload the code below to the Arduino! The external switch should make the external LED flash five times!

How to Add a Simple Circuit to Your Arduino

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The beauty of-four layer PCBS

Four-layer PCBs are something that makers have long known about but almost never gotten involved with. However, with the introduction of PCB prototyping facilities around the world, and widely available CAD packages, four-layer boards are now within the reach of makers. But what are four-layer boards and how can they help you with your next project?

Since their early days, makers have mainly been limited in circuit construction techniques. Breadboards provide makers the capability to reuse components, while stripboards allow for permanent fixtures. Printed Circuit Board assembly has also been available to makers, but mostly in the most crudest of ways (using the toner transfer method). These circuit boards remove the need for wires (especially double-sided boards) but they are lacking in features such as through-hole plating and silkscreen. However, new fabrication houses have led to high-quality prototyping PCBs at low prices (as low as $2 for 5 pieces).

The result is that maker projects can now integrate SMD devices, including QFN and BGA packages, which allows for miniaturized designs and more complex circuits. But not only are double-sided PCBs available to makers, so are four-layer PCBs! Most designs by makers will be suitable for two-layer boards, which may leave many to think, “Why would I want to use a four-layer board?”.

To understand the advantages of four-layer boards, it’s important to first understand the difference between two layers and four-layer boards. As the name suggests, four-layer boards have four separate copper layers that can be used for routing and power, whereas two layers only have two copper layers. Therefore, the first and most obvious advantage of four-layer boards is that there are two additional routing layers for signals, which allows for reduced PCB sizes (as well as the ease of integrating complex devices such as BGA that may have as many as 200 connections). Get more PCB box build assembly services

Four-layer boards are also advantageous for makers who have an interest in selling their designs. Electronic products that are sold commercially are legally required to be certified by either FCC or CE regulations, and these regulations include emissions that essentially require that circuits to not emit radio energy over a specified value. Two-layer designs can struggle with emissions control, but four-layer PCBs can utilize power planes and ground planes shielding to absorb .emitted mission from traces.

Four-layer PCBs also allow for signals to be routed inside the PCB stack and have ground planes on the top and bottom layers, but it is more common for the two inner layers to be power and ground. The four-layer arrangement can also make signal routing easier, in that power and ground connections can be removed entirely from the signal routing layers and therefore free up space for signals.

Four-layer PCBs do have some drawbacks that can make using them difficult. Firstly, four-layer PCBs are more expensive, which may make them impractical for simpler designs. Secondly, four-layer PCBs can hide traces in their inner layers which can make circuit debugging very difficult. In the event that a circuit requires debugging, it would be more practical to rely on the CAD drawings of the designs instead of following traces on the PCB, but this can also work as an advantage. The use of four layers can be a deterrent against an engineer's reverse-engineering your design, as hidden layers are virtually impossible to see (only x-rays can be used to see these inner layers).

Four-layer PCBs can help miniaturize your design, improve its EMI performance, and allow for more complex routing. While they are rather advanced (thanks to the low cost of PCB fabrication currently available to makers), it would not be a bad idea to test them out to see how they can be beneficial to your next project.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

What is an embedded system?

Embedded systems are hardware solutions that are combined with specific software control. They are tiny systems that have memory and can calculate and measure.

In addition, they send a signal when necessary. They are integrated into everyday devices that can therefore display intelligent behavior. This way you guarantee safety and ease of use and increase the connectivity of an electronic product. Read more PCB board assembly.

An embedded system is also referred to as an integrated system or an embedded system. Some examples of devices that contain these systems:

  • Phones: updates that provide new functions
  • Doorbells: with camera and recording functions
  • Alarm systems: send different signals
  • Smart thermostats: take the weather and where you are into account (geofencing)
  • Fridges: that pour voice-controlled water for you
  • Door locks: remotely lock and unlock

Software integrated in hardware

Measurement and control systems in electronic products ensure that a machine, tool or device does what it is supposed to do. In other words, these products must be able to perform the operations for which they are intended.

Previously, electronic measuring and control systems consisted entirely of hardware. An embedded system consists of both hardware and software.

Thanks to embedded systems, software (intelligence) are now increasingly found in devices (hardware). This gives the possibility to add or adjust functions within the same device. 

Get more PCB prototype assembly service

Application of embedded systems

Embedded systems are increasingly used in machines and tools, but also more and more in everyday devices: from fragrance dispenser with timer to smart plugs and lamps. On the one hand because these systems are becoming cheaper and on the other hand because these systems are becoming more accessible and easier to process.

As a result, there is now a great diversity of embedded systems on the market. Both for large and small equipment. In addition, you will increasingly find embedded systems in hospital equipment and robots in healthcare.

Related post:

Saturday, September 12, 2020

5 Things To Consider For Box Build Assembly Process

Box-build, which is also referred to as systems integration, is an assembly work other than a printed circuit board (PCB) production. It is an electromagnetically assembly process, which includes enclosure fabrication, installation and routing of cabling or wire harnesses, and installation of sub-assemblies and components. The box build can mean a PCB Assembly (PCBA) in a big cabinet full of wires, or a small enclosure, or a complex fully integrated electro-mechanical system with pneumatics and electronics.

What does the Box Build Assembly Services Include?

Box Build Assembly Services include:

System Level Assembly

Product Assembly

Sub-Level Product Assembly

Packaging & Labeling


Software Loading and Product Configuration

Aftermarket Service and Depot Repair of EIT Built Products

Warehousing, Order Fulfillment, and Traceability

Things to Consider for Box Build Assembly Process

If you are considering a box build assembly process in the near feature, following are some of the factors that you should keep in mind. You can support the assembly services provider by providing the following information.

Box Build Assembly

Bill of Materials (BOM): This is a very important requirement for any Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider. This helps them get an idea of all the key components, and is required to clearly mention the materials to be sourced by the EMS provider. It should also explain appropriately, what will be issued free from you. You should decide whether you want to define the smaller items, such as tie wraps, adhesives, nuts and bolts, heat shrink, washers, and so on. The same is applicable for wires and their identifiers. While these are considered as consumables, you should always remember that they still have a price and need buying. Thus, they must be defined to avoid unexpected production delays and cost boosters.

Assembly: If possible, you should provide 3D CAD models. This helps to visualize the final product. There are a number of CAD packages that offer free drawing viewers. Many advanced EMS providers possess CAD packages that enable easy conversion of drawings into build instructions, as well as updates, if needed. A layout drawing with the information of key components should be included.

Sample Unit: A sample unit is always helpful, and can be the key source of data if the drawings are unfinished. In this situation, you will certainly need a provider that can plan and create the drawings for you to guarantee reliable builds.

Dimensions: You should always inform the EMS provider about the size and weight of the unit. This is essential not only for shipping, but also handling and storage throughout the complete build process. You should also consider and decide how you need the completed product to be packed and transported.

Testing: In case of electrical systems, you should specify basic electrical safety testing, such as earth bond and flash tests. Are you willing to perform certain functional testing, or factory acceptance testing prior to shipment to an end customer? Or just the visual inspection sufficient? To answer these questions, you should take advice from EMS provider if necessary, as they will have the proper knowledge and good experience of what works best.

Whether your design needs a simple, straightforward box build assembly or a more complex assembly, providing the precise data up front. It makes sure that you get to start from a good place where everyone knows what is required.

Friday, August 7, 2020

What information do I need to outsource a box build assembly?

Outsourcing an electronic printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) is usually a simple and well defined process. Just hand over the Gerber files, the CAD and a bill of materials (BOM) and away you go.

Box build, or top level assembly, on the other hand, can be less well defined. A box build can mean many things - from a PCBA in a small enclosure, to a large cabinet full of wires, or a complex fully-integrated electro-mechanical system with electronics and pneumatics.

So what are the basics you will need to consider to get an accurate quote and help the build process go smoothly with your electronic manufacturing services (EMS) partner?


The first thing your EMS provider will ask for is a BOM. This should include all the main components and should clearly define what materials the EMS provider will source and, where appropriate, what will be "free issued" from you.

You'll also want to think about what to do with the smaller items: the nuts and bolts, washers, tie wraps, heat shrink, adhesives and so on. Are you going to define these, or let your supplier decide?

The same can go for wires and their identifiers. While these are often considered consumables, they still have a cost and need purchasing, so must be defined somewhere to avoid unexpected cost increases and/or production delays.

Component drawings, particularly for "drawn" or bespoke items, should have tolerances and finishes clearly specified. Leaving these things open to interpretation could cause problems with assembly or quality control later - so it’s best to specify exactly what you need.

Read more: Box Build Assembly


Where possible provide 3D CAD models, as this helps to visualise how the product goes together. Many CAD packages offer free drawing viewers.

More advanced EMS providers are likely to have their own CAD packages to help convert drawings into build instructions (and to enable them to update the drawings if required and agreed by you). 

A layout drawing showing where major components will go - routing of cables and so on - should also be included. This might be important to you for servicing, for example, or for design compliance reasons.

Ideally too you will be able to provide detailed build instructions - and particularly in the case of an existing product that is already being manufactured.

This may not always be so straight forward, however, if a product has been manufactured "in house".

And for new products, some systems are so complex that it can be challenging to complete a design on paper, or even in 3D CAD.

Sometimes an element of design and development has to happen as the first products are made.

When a large amount of labour, space or specialist tools are required, it can make sense to outsource prototype builds rather than build them in house.

It also gives your assembly partner a chance to learn about the product and to hit the ground running when full production starts. Naturally you’ll need to choose an EMS supplier that can assist with this development rather than just "build to print".

For electrical systems, schematics (circuit diagrams) will be required.

Your manufacturing partner should decide on the best build method (for example whether to opt for point to point wiring or pre-prepared cables/looms) and they will produce cutting lists accordingly.

Again, try to provide these in an electronic format whenever possible.

A sample unit is always helpful, and can often be the main source of information if the drawings are incomplete. In this case though you’ll definitely need a provider that can engineer and create the drawings for you to ensure consistent builds in future.

Let your EMS provider know the size and weight of the unit. This is important not only for shipping but also storage and handling through the build process.

You also need to consider how you need the finished product packed and transported; do you need special boxes or a standard shrink wrap and pallet, for example?


Last – but certainly not least – think about test. For electrical systems you should at the very least specify basic electrical safety testing - e.g. earth bond and flash tests.

Consider too whether you may want them to do some functionality testing as well, or perhaps factory acceptance testing by your staff before shipment to an end customer.

Or perhaps a visual inspection will be sufficient?

Seek advice from your EMS provider if required, as they will have the knowledge and experience of what works best.

Outsourcing box build assembly inevitably requires close cooperation between customer and suppliers. It can also tend to be an evolving process as a new product goes into manufacture.

But by providing the right information to your EMS partner, at the very start, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that everyone understands what is required.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

6 Ultimate tips to save energy

How to Save Energy in the Home: The Definitive Guide - Underfloor ...

Energy is getting more and more expensive. Everywhere in the house there are devices that consume a lot of energy. But how do you live energy efficient? Can you save energy by handling appliances differently or is it more profitable to buy a new (energy-saving) appliance? Six tips to prevent energy waste!

1. Insulation

Initially, ensure a well- insulated house . If your house is not properly insulated, a lot of heat is lost through windows and walls. Draft strips offer a solution if your house is not sufficiently insulated.

2. Heating

Of course a nice warm house is very nice in the winter period. But set your heating to 20 ° C, that is more than enough. Any degree higher will cost you about six percent more. A lot, right?

3. Fridge and freezer

Most people have set the refrigerator temperature too low. You can save a lot of energy by adjusting the temperature: 6 ° C for the refrigerator and -18 ° C for the freezer. Another tip: defrost your freezer regularly. If too much ice builds up in the freezer, it consumes more energy.

4. Electric appliance

Turn off electrical appliances and do not leave them in standby mode. This not only saves energy, but also avoids the risk of fire . For televisions and computers, the smaller the screen, the more economical the consumption. Visit here for pcb assembly USA.

5. Cooking

Use the smallest possible pan to fry meat or fish. This way no energy is lost. Also pay attention to the bottom of the pan. A flat bottom pan is better for electric hobs. If you cook on gas, a convex bottom works more efficiently.

6. Washing

Run your laundry at a maximum of 60 ° C and, if possible, at 40 ° C. If possible, tumble dry on the clothesline, because tumble dryers are real energy guzzlers. Finally, it is better to use a shower instead of a bath, since a shower is twice as economical. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

8 Tips to how can I clean my laptop?

After a short while your laptop will slow down a lot. Everyone would like a fast laptop that does not crash every few minutes. Cleaning up a laptop can bring a lot of progress in terms of speed. If you follow the 8 simple steps below, you can clean your laptop yourself within 1 or 2 hours.

Tips make laptop faster

1: Reduce your startup programs from your laptop
When installing new programs, there is often a small box that is unmarked by default: “run at startup”. Before you know it, you have 10 programs that all try to start first when you turn on the computer. For this, these programs eagerly use your laptop's memory (CPU), which can significantly slow down the startup.

By pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete at startup and then selecting the “Task Manager” you can see which programs use a lot of memory. You can then uncheck the box “run at startup” in these programs, often under the heading “settings”. An alternative and a free and simple program that you can use for this is CCleaner. With this you can very easily disable the startup programs that you do not need immediately. Be careful not to disable your antivirus program!

2: add more memory (RAM)
The fastest and easiest way to improve your laptop's boot speed and overall performance is to increase the amount of RAM. There are still many laptops and desktops with only 1GB of RAM. This was fine for Windows XP, but if you work with Windows Vista, 7 or 8, you need at least 2GB of memory and ideally 4GB or 8GB. Keep in mind that with a 32 bit operating system you can use a maximum of 4GB. A 64 bit operating system can use as many gigabytes as can fit in the computer. Unfortunately, it is possible that your laptop does not have enough space to add extra memory; check this before you order a new memory module.

3: Upgrade your laptop with an SSD
To give your laptop a real boost, you can also consider installing a Solid-State hard drive (SSD). SSDs have no moving parts and are fully electronic. An SSD is many times faster than a normal hard disk, with the advantage that your favorite programs start much faster. This makes a big difference, especially with the start-up of your laptop. Often an SSD is also a part that we advise most when you want to get the most out of your laptop. After installing and installing an SSD, your laptop usually starts up within 10 seconds and your laptop also shuts down within seconds. All programs will also start faster due to the SSD, a good example is your smartphone. With one click on an app, in most cases it starts up within a few seconds and you can use the app.

4: Make your laptop dust free
Laptops generate heat, after a while you should feel your laptop blowing warm air from the bottom. The heat will heat up your laptop's processor. As a result, it can no longer perform optimally. The same as a runner, at the start the runner is still fresh and cold, after the period the runner starts to get warm and sweat, so you also notice that that person gets heavier to deliver the same performance. This is also the case with a laptop and computer! So clean the fans of your laptop every six months so that the laptop can continue to breathe cold air and blow the warm air out again.
Visit here for pcb assembly manufacturer in USA

5: Scan your laptop for malware
Has your laptop suddenly become slow, is it not responding or cannot access the internet anymore? Then it is possible that your computer has been infected with malware, spyware or a virus. To prevent this, we always recommend installing an up-to-date antivirus program. However, a paid antivirus program is more proactive in updating and scanning malware and other threats. ESET Smart Security has been voted best tested antivirus program 5 times in a row.

6: Delete “cookies” and “temporary internet files”
Cookies and temporary internet files take up memory which can result in a slow laptop. You can delete cookies and temporary internet files in the settings of your browser. An alternative and a free program that you can use for this is CCleaner. In the blog top 10 Free programs laptops and computers you can download

7: Reinstall or restore your operating system
Reinstalling an operating system can make great advances in the speed of your laptop or computer's startup. Make a backup of all personal files, emails, photos, videos, etc. before performing a fresh installation of Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or Windows 10.

8: Upgrade your operating system
It makes no sense to reinstall an old operating system on a new or improved laptop. Installing Windows 8 or 10 will cause an overall increase in the speed of your laptop depending on the hardware. You may be limited in installing a new operating system because there are no drivers available for the motherboard or other peripherals. Always check this first.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

What are the Common PCB Issues and How to Prevent Them?

Minimization of faults is the main goal of PCB manufacturers serving critical and not so critical industries. An in-depth understanding of common faults, their root causes, and prevention is the one way to ensure the high-quality of PCB assembly. Owing to the increasing density of these issues there are high chances of a PCB failure. If the care is not taken, then this will affect the functionality of the final product. Would you like to know about six common PCB manufacturing errors? Or how to prevent these fabrication errors? This post will answer these questions in detail. Reference 

The following are some common defects found in the printed circuit board assemblies and their corrective actions.

Solder Bridges: This is the most common type of defect found in the PCB assembly. Solder bridging, sometimes referred to as shorts, occurs when a solder crosses one lead to another or have an abnormal connection between two or more adjacent traces. They can be tiny in size and hard to detect. If these shorts are not detected during the circuit board inspection, then it can cause serious damage to the assembly, such as blow-up or burn-up of components and traces. However, this issue can be avoided using several ways, such as adding solder mask between the pads, ensuring a zero gaps between the PCB and stencil, and so on.

Plating Voids: Plated through holes are important holes on the printed circuit board, as they carry electricity from one side of the board to the other side through the holes. The walls of these holes are electroplated during the PCB fabrication process. Before electroplating, the circuit board is made conductive from the top to bottom by copper deposition. In this process, the electroless copper is made to adhere to the edges of the circuit board and within the holes. The problems with copper deposition give rise to plating voids, which means the walls are not coated evenly with copper. These holes may affect the flow of electricity. Plating voids may be caused due to a variety of reasons such as material contamination, air bubbles in the material, contaminated holes, and so on. So, the defects caused due to air bubbles, contamination, and insufficient cleaning can be avoided by cleaning the material before drilling. Also, other defects can be avoided by following the directions provided by the manufacturer.

Non-wetting: Non-wetting, also known as wetting, occurs to alloy solder joints, which are not extended to the PCB pads. Thus, they do not obtain a great solder joint fillet. Non-wetting can occur when the solder partially covers a board surface while leaving exposed copper behind. This can directly impact the quality of solder joints. This PCB issue can be avoided by paying close attention to the storage environment of PCB components. Make sure they meet the standards with regards to humidity and temperature. Also, avoid using a PCB that has been stored for a long time without any protective cover or sheet.

Acid Traps: Via positioning may bring a risk of solder leakage through the pads at the time of assembly. This can be solved using a non-conductive epoxy or by applying the solder mask over the holes.

Physical Damage: Failure of PCB is linked to physical damage, which is caused due to environmental stresses or during the SMT manufacturing process. Most common cause of PCB failure is dropping a circuit board in a prototyping phase. The damage to the physical components or pieces is not easily visible, and they are not repairable either. Thus, there is no other option except replacing the PCB.

Electromagnetic Issues: Electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility are two common terms associated with PCBs. The term electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the term used for generation and propagation of electromagnetic energy, whereas, electromagnetic interference refers to the damaging effect of EMC. These issues arise due to some possible design flaws. Electromagnetic interference can be reduced by increasing the ground area of the PCB.
Printed circuit boards designing needs excellent technical skills, as well as precision. Any single mistake in the PCB layout may result in a huge loss. This is why the care should be taken when designing the printed circuit board. Are you planning to build your printed circuit board? In such cases, it is always better to approach industry experts. With vast industry experience, Sierra Assembly Technology Inc. offers best PCB solutions while considering your specific requirements.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Replace the module of my dishwasher

You will find a wide range of modules for your dishwasher at Direct Repair. Our webshop offers modules as well as other parts and accessories for your dishwasher. Ordering is simple and all your parts will be delivered to your home within 24 hours.

Each part has its usefulness in a dishwasher. The module is one of the most important of these components. It is, indeed, not an exaggeration to say that if your module fails, your device is unusable. The role of the module is to send the various data to the machine and usually check it. So she manages the different parts within your dishwasher. Replace the module in a drying cabinet

If your dishwasher breaks down, the module can be the cause of your problem. For example, an overheating of the appliance or an appliance that does not complete its washing cycle can be the cause of a defective module. If your machine displays the error code F3, on the other hand, you can be sure that the module is defective and you will have to replace it.

It is therefore important to replace your module in case of failure. Only in this way will you be able to enjoy optimal functioning of your dishwasher again. Direct Repair helps you with this procedure.

Replace the module of my dishwasher
Before you start replacing your module, it is important to check that you simply have no problem with your electrical network. That can save you a lot of effort.

Replacing the module is not that difficult, so it is not necessary to call on a specialized technician. Direct Repair helps you with the steps to take to replace your defective part.

Your costs will therefore only be limited to the purchase of your new spare part and will therefore give you the opportunity to save a lot.

Please observe the safety regulations and do not forget to remove the supply tap and the plug from the socket beforehand.

printed circuit board assembly companies

Saturday, February 22, 2020


PCB assembly manufacturer have a boundless measure of proposals for designing boards successfully; and are incredible assets for revealing new product technique. Keep your manufacturer insider savvy as you move about the assembling procedure. Reference 

So as to limit the measure of issues that happen during PCB assembly, it is generally wise to stick to a couple of tried and true standards. The first of these standards is to determine the heaviness of your copper and the preferred PCB finish. It is additionally insightful to include 3 (no more) Fiduciary to the edges of your PCB, and there should be a common component orientation —ideally on the essential side—so as to ensure everything keeps running as easily as could reasonably be expected (and, addition, using surface mount components wouldn’t harm, either).

Production Cost
In so many cases, offshoring printed circuit board assembly is the right way to do the reduce production cost, time and need to hire expertise for PCB assembly. There are, in any case, a few risk factors that come into play which you should also need to keep in mind.

The greatest risk you can consider it is below-par (or fake) parts when constructing agents look for approaches to compromise and costs, imitation parts or sub-standard equipment is utilized in lieu of standard parts; so a quality affirmation group of yours should cross-confirm the quality. Another risk is the probability of having your item dispatch postponed because of transportation issues, that is the reason consistently keep couple of additional days in your grasp for unanticipated occasions.

Do you know the intricate details of your PCB provider’s means information? (Preferably, there should be at least 2mm between adjacent boards). At the point when you comprehend their means information, figure out how to enhance board designs will be a snap. It’s easier to recall that smaller boards are easier to handle (for inspections). Keep in mind the saying: bigger isn’t always better. That couldn’t be more genuine in our reality.

Are there markings on the components in your design? If not, marking them is easy and takes no time to do. This spares you from committing an awful error later on, as not every Electronic contract manufacturer you deal with marks parts similarly. The best way to sort out them to avoid confusion is to number and label them and they coordinate them with your design documents.

Board Efficiency
The main way you can cut cost is to ensure that board productivity is satisfactory. It means being absolutely certain about the tiniest, apparently immaterial opportunities to PCB size. This is the reason it is critical to be comfortable with standard board sizes, for example, 406mm x 508mm and 305mm x 457mm for greatest productivity.

Read more: printed circuit board assembly

Issue Reduction
Solder assembly is overflowing with issues. Ostensible thickness IPC-7351B/ C-compliant footprints reduce these issues; as do well- designed component footprints. (On the off chance that they’re under 10mm long. For anything taller, patios nearby each other must have an extra 0.5mm in space.)

The design process of any electronic process can be overwhelming and brimming with issues – huge numbers of them testing tolerance and core interest. Hopefully you won’t experience a lot of cases of production factors that prevent drastic measures during PCB design, production and assembly.

Saturday, January 25, 2020


This week, we’re excited to kick off a three part blog series about building your first PCB prototype Services. PCBs (printed circuit boards) are the heart and brains of every product that turns on, plugs in, or lights up. They contain electrical components that determine the behavior of your product, and come in all shapes and sizes.

In this first post, we’re going to share some tips about defining and communicating PCB fabrication specifications, and creating gerber files for your prototype.

Gerbers files are the digital blueprints that allow manufacturers to build your PCB, layer by layer. Many PCB design software packages have built-in tools for generating these kinds of files – at Particle, we use EAGLE, a free and powerful PCB design suite popular with engineers all over the world. Reference 

In this blog post, we’re not going to focus on how to create schematics and PCBs in EAGLE, since there are already several extraordinary tutorials on the web that do a great job. In our opinion, this three-part series by SparkFun is among the best:

How to Install and Setup EAGLE
Using EAGLE: Schematics
Using EAGLE: Board Layout
Instead, we’re going to focus on fabrication specifications – the design requirements that have less to do with defining the electrical function of your product, but have a tremendous affect on its cost, yield, supply chain, and manufacturability.

Keep in mind throughout this post that following common manufacturing standards is always the cheapest, fastest, and least complicated route through the prototyping process. The following design rules and standards are often overlooked until the price is too high or the yield is too low, so our hope is that this post will save you some valuable time along the already unpredictable road from prototype to production.

Dimensions – Pretty simple, the size of your PCB. The key thing to keep in mind here is that the cost of a PCB scales with surface area, so be sure to use only the space that you need in order to minimize costs. Similarly, PCB board designs with irregular shapes that result in waste materials during fabrication will be more expensive the a smaller, rectangular footprint for the same board.

The first version of the Spark Relay Shield has a square footprint of nearly 74.5 cm^2, and lots of unused space. The second iteration (prototype!) has a reduced footprint of only 65.4 cm^2, and includes a large prototyping playground as a bonus.

# of Layers – The number of layers in a PCB is a basic indicator of its complexity (lower is simpler). You can think of additional PCB copper layers like highways stacked on top of one another – they provide new planes in which to route the traffic of electrons when the maze of electrical connections between components and pins start to overlap on one another.

Material Type – A standard multilayer PCB consists of several copper clad boards fused together on top of each other. The most common type of PCB material used these days is the glass epoxy or more widely know as the FR-4, where FR stands for flame retardant while the number denotes its flammability. About a decade ago, the more commonly used PCB material was the phenolic paper or the FR-2. This material was prone to chipping/cracking and not to mention, more toxic. Other less common PCB materials are polyimide, teflon, PEEK used in flexible boards. Most PCB manufacturers offer FR-4 as a default choice but care must be taken when designing high speed or RF boards where the dielectricity and thickness of the material becomes very important.

Board Thickness – This is a primary mechanical specification of your PCB, where 1.6mm thick seems to be the industry standard. Depending on the number of copper layers, the PCB manufacturer will choose PCB core dimensions that result in the desired board thickness. If your PCB is enclosed in a small space, you might desire a thickness like 1.0mm or less. Manufacturers can commonly accommodate thicknesses down to 0.4mm.

Plating Finish – Pad plating is a technique in which the exposed copper surfaces of a PCB are plated with another metallic material to improve solderability of the pads during assembly. The most common plating technique is leaded or lead-free HASL (Hot Air Solder Leveling), where solder is pre-applied to the board during PCB assembly. An alternate technique is ENIG (Electroless nickel immersion gold) plating. This is a more expensive plating technique, but offers improved resistance to oxidation and surface planarity (flatness). This makes it a great choice for large BGA components and exposed contact pads or test points.

The PCB on the left is ENIG plated while the one on the right is standard HASL. Observe how the HASL pads are uneven while the ENIG ones are perfectly flat.

Impedance Control – If your PCB has a radio on it (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.), you may need to specify impedance control. Impedance control means that a set of specified traces (usually the RF net) present a known resistance to all signals traveling within them. Impedance is affected by a variety of factors including the dielectric of the pre-preg material, trace width, and soldermask. Carefully controlled impedance is important for optimizing wireless antenna performance. For example, Wi-Fi antenna circuits are typically controlled to 50-ohm impedance. Impedance control requires expensive equipment, and not all manufacturers are capable of ensuring controlled impedances. Expect this to add to your fabrication costs, and to add more if your tolerances for controlled impedances are relatively strict (< 5% variance from spec. 10% variance typical).

Minimum Width/Spacing – This is a measure of the minimum width of the copper traces on your PCB, as well as the minimum distance between individual traces. 6 mil spacing is very safe for most fab houses, while some manufacturers can handle down to 3-4 mil spacing. It’s a great accomplishment to route out 64 or 128 pins of a microcontroller, but only if there’s sufficient spacing to actually fabricate it. So, pick out a spacing requirement that aligns with your manufacturer’s minimum specifications, and stick to it!

A board on the left uses default width and spacing tolerances while the one on the right asks for more. Observe how the holes on the vias aren’t exactly centered. This becomes a problem when your PCB manufacturer cannot stick to their tolerances. So try to be more generous with your copper wherever possible.

Hole Sizes – The size of the holes and vias (which create vertical electrical connections between copper layers) on your board. Specifying small pads and vias on your PCB is a great way to save space, but also makes it more difficult for your fab house to manufacture. Smaller holes mean tighter tolerances on your manufacturer’s drilling process, a greater likelihood of missing or landing outside the pad, and the creation of scrap and wasted material. 0.2 – 0.3mm vias sizes are typical.

Solder mask – A solder mask is a lacquer-like layer of polymer usually applied to the copper traces of a PCB. It helps prevent solder bridges from forming and potentially causing short circuits. Many manufacturers will give you a choice of solder mask color, which is fun! Beyond the standard green, you can oftentimes choose red, yellow, blue, black, or white. Two tips about solder mask selection:

Many quick turn fab houses optimize their manufacturing processes for standard specifications, which include green solder masks. If you want a cheaper, faster turn time, pick green!

White solder masks are awesome and unique, but hard to keep pristine-looking during assembly. The picture below is an example of a pre-production sample of the Spark Core, which occasionally became discolored during high-temperature reflow and wave solder steps. We ultimately chose to switch to a black solder mask in order to avoid the costs associated with cosmetic defects.

Pink discoloration (left) on a white soldermask caused by residual chemicals left over from the PCB fabrication process, and agitated by the high heat of reflow and wave solder. Normal sample on the right.

Silkscreen – Silkscreens are the final layer applied to your board: the text, graphics, and designators that help to document and annotate your PCB. The correct term for this process is actually “legend printing”, but everyone calls it the “silkscreen” because silk screen printing with epoxy ink is the most common method for creating PCB legends. A more accurate alternative to silk screen printing is LPI printing (Liquid photo imaging) which creates a much higher resolution silkscreen at a slightly higher price point.
Comparison of LPI (left) versus traditional silk screen legend printing (right) at equal magnification.

Minimum Pitch – In the world of PCBs, “pitch” refers to the distance between adjacent pins on an electrical component. If your product requires a complicated part with lots of pins and a very fine pitch, your manufacturing options may be limited to higher cost assembly houses with modern equipment. Aggressive pitch requirements often result in decreased yield, so it’s reasonable to add the projected cost of scrap (expected scrap rate % * scrap cost) to the price of whatever component is driving the complexity of your PCB. A 0.3mm minimum IC pitch seems to be common for most standard PCB assembly houses.
Modern integrated circuits are now available in almost indefinite number of packages and pitches. The QFN and BGA packages tend to be more challenging when prototyping or hand assembling the boards.

Castellated Holes – If you’re making a module or PCB that mounts to another PCB, you might consider adding castellated pads to your design. Castellated holes are essentially vias or thru holes that have been cut down a diameter to expose copper along the side face of the PCB (see the picture below). These are super useful in particular use cases, but not all manufacturers can build PCBs with castellated holes, so make sure to do your research.
Left – PCB with castellated pads. Notice the HASL plated copper (silver) running down the side of the PCB. Right – Castellated PCB mounted to a host board.

RoHS Compliance – If you’re building a product that will be sold and shipped to customers, you should communicate your need for RoHS compliance to your manufacturers. This ensures there will be no restricted materials (Lead, most notably) in or on your PCB, and that it will be safe for direct handling. Even though this is a common requirement, leaded and non-compliant parts are extremely common, so one might sneak into your design if you’re not explicit with your requirements.
For those interested, I’ve included a link to Particle’s fabrications specifications template here.

Once you have an understanding of the fabrication specifications of your product, it’s important to hold yourself accountable to those standards throughout the development process. Here are a couple of great tools to help you do this:

EAGLE DRC (prototyping) – In EAGLE, you can add most of these specifications to a design rule profile against which your design will be checked.
One tab of the Design Rule Check utility within EAGLE. This tab, titled “Clearance”, defines minimum distances between various features of your PCB.

Once you’ve finished building a design rule profile that matches with your manufacturer’s specifications, you can press the “Check” button to automatically identify violations for manual review or correction.

FreeDFM (pre-production) – If you’d like to do a design rule check but only have access to the gerber files (instead the original PCB design file), you can use a free utility from Advanced Circuits called FreeDFM.
Example results from a free design review from FreeDFM

While FreeDFM doesn’t give you as much flexibility to define your own design rules, it’s a great tool if you’re aiming to design to the most common manufacturing standards. The tool provides organized reports with clearly identified issues, and can automatically correct simple design problems.

Now that you’ve finished your design and checked it for common manufacturing issues, it’s time to generate the gerber files for your prototype. I recommend checking out SparkFun’s tutorial for a good primer on how to create gerber files for your design from within EAGLE.

If you’re interested in generating gerber files for a 4-layer PCB (like the Spark Core, Photon, and Electron), you can download and use our 4-layer CAM job for EAGLE which supports additional copper layers and milled slots.

Once your gerber files have been created, you should review them to make sure the design is complete and everything is rendering clearly. There are lots of great free gerber file viewers out there, but here are our favorites at Particle: